Curriculum 2023

The balance between gerontology and geriatric topics will be one third.

                                                                                   ASIO IAGG e-TRIGGER  2023
14 January Functional Aging
Life functional trajectories Prof. Jean-Pierre Michel CH MD
Transitions between malnutrition, sarcopenia and frailty Prof. Liang Kung Chen TW MD
Prevention of chronic diseases and age-related disability Prof. Arvind Mathur IN MD
11 February Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and Team work
History taking and clinical examination specificities Prof. Mark Clarfield IL MD
Co-management of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments Prof. Bianca Buurman NL RN-PhD
Information and communication technology Prof. Ashish Goel IN MD
11 March Cardiovascular pathology in older adults
Arterial hypertension in older adults Prof Jerzy Gąsowski PL MD
Heart failure in older patients Prof Hidenori Arai JP MD
Rehabilitation of coronary heart disease patients J F Ramirez-Villada (CO) CO D.Sc
15 April Mild cognitive impairments and dementias in the older adult
Early detection of prodromal biomarkers of cognitive decline Prof Bruno Dubois FR MD
Assessment and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease Pr. F. Mangialasche SE MD
Modifiable risk factors of cognitive decline Pr. Jagadish Chhetri CN MD
13 May Metabolic disorders in older adults
Management of Diabetes in old adults Prof. Shamasunder Acharya Au MD
Dieticians ‘involvement in treatment of old diabetic patients Pof. P Chan Yoke Mum MY D.Sc
Vitamin D: an hormone with multiple invaluable actions Prof. Mario Barbagallo IT MD
17 June Infections in old adults 
Urinary tract infections Prof. Joël Belmin FR MD
Lower respiratory tract infections Prof. Chang Won Won KR MD
Hygiene to fight against healthcare-associated infection Prof. Deepak Kumar IN MD
15 July Mental health
Affective disorders Prof. Ayae Kinoshita TW D.Ss
Polypharmacy: Epidemiology and Its Impacts Prof. Dominic Ffytche UK MD
Inappropriate Prescribing and Deprescribing Prof. V Surekha IN MD
12 August Cancers in old adults
Early diagnosis of cancers Prof. Tilak TVSVGK IN MD
Cancer assessment before planning the treatment Prof Chun-Yu Liu TW MD
Cancer trajectories and palliative care Kim de Nooijer BE D.SC
9 September Long Term Care
Urinary incontinence Prof. Prof. Steve PaujalyManjaly (IN) IN MD
Wound prevention and management Prof. Gorijo Nakagami JP RN.PhD
Elder mistreatment Prof. Mala Kapur Shankardass MY D.Sc.
14 October  Neurology
Transit ischemic attack and stroke Prof. Chih-Ping CHUNG TW MD
Dizziness and vertigo Prof. Alka Ganesh IN RN. PhD
Parkinson disease Prof. Piu Chan CN MD, PHD
11 November Mobility disorders
Osteoporosis Prof. Ding-Cheng Derrick CHAN TW MD
Foot problems Prof. Deborah Turner AU D.Sc
Osteoarthritis Prof. Stefania Maggi IT MD
9 December Gerontopharmacology
Pharmacodynamic and pharmococinetic on older adults Prof. Fei-Yuan Hsaio TW Pharm.d
Principles of management of medications Prof. Ashish Goel IN MD
Why deprescribing? Vasi Naganathan AU MD
16 December Online Award Ceremony