
Applied training for an ageing world

Application for the ASIO-IAGG e-Trigger program 2024 is now open.

The procedure for application and registration is the following:

1. Click on application, fill the form and submit.

2. The IAGG selection committee will examine your application.

3. If you are accepted, you will be notified.

4. The fees are based on the average annual income in your country
(as determined by the World bank (Click here)

      1- Pay 300 CHF in countries with mean annual income <1 500 CHF

      2- Pay 600 CHF in countries with mean annual income of 1 500 to 13 000 CHF

      3- Pay 1 200 CHF in countries with mean annual income >13 000 CHF

5. Once you have paid, you will receive instructions to register on the IAGG platforms.

Payment Form

Enter the payment details and submit


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