IAGG e-TRIGGER – Saturday 13 May, 2023
Start time: 8.00am (Paris/Geneva/Berlin)


Metabolic disorders in older adults


Start time: 8.00am (Paris/Geneva/Berlin)
08.00 a.m Paris, Berlin
12.30 p.m Kolkata
02.00 p.m Bangkok
03.00 p.m Beijing, Hong Kong, Kuala-Lumpur, Singapore, Taipei
04.00 p.m Tokyo, Seoul
06.00 p.m. in Canberra (time zone: UTC+10)
0 min Introduction of the topic and expert Prof. Hidenori Arai (JP)
22 min Management of Diabetes in old adults Prof. Shamasunder Acharya (AU)
22 min Case report Dr. Ho-Kan Yen (TW)
32 min Discussion Dr. Justin Chew (SG)
52 min Short synthesis Prof. Hidenori Arai (JP)
60 min Introduction of the topic and expert Prof. Julie Byles (Au)
62 min Importance of dieticians involvement in treatment of old
diabetic patients
Prof. P Chan Yoke Mun (MY)
82 min Case report Dr. Heisuke Maeda (JP)
92 min Discussion Dr. Ho-Kan Yen (TW)
112 min Short synthesis Prof. Julie Byles (Au)
Short Break
125 min Introduction of the topic and expert

Prof. Liang Kung Chen (TW)

127 min Vitamin D: an hormone with multiple invaluable actions Prof. Mario Barbagallo (IT)
147 min Case report Dr. Justin Chew (SG)
157 min Discussion Dr. Heisuke Maeda (JP)
172 min Short synthesis Prof. Liang Kung Chen (TW)
First team Activity ++++
Online evaluation of the session by attendees and participants
Online control of knowledge to demonstrate the higher order thinking skills of the trainees.